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Old 11th May 2005, 08:53 AM
kearsey kearsey is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: aussie
Posts: 7

Here it is:-

The Six Point Plan has been around for a long time. Few people use it. And yet it is one of the easiest methods around to enable you to win on a consistent basis. There really is no great risk attached to its operation, because you can introduce a built-in safety brake if things threaten to get out of control.Professionals regard it as the soundest of all target-staking methods. It’s been played in Australia for more than 50 years, but seems to have been more popular in the 30s and 40s than nowadays, when punters seem more impatient than their predecessors.The aim of the Six Point Plan is to win six betting units every time the punter backs a winner, or winners, whose odds total six. The target figure decides the opening bet. Example: If you were aiming to win $6 altogether, the opening bet would be $1 because the DIVISOR is six. So you have six divided into six, which equals a bet of one unit. The betting action is just a matter of simple division of the DIVISOR into the TARGET figure.To explain the action, we’ll work to a target figure of $12. To work out your bets you use the divisor of six and the target of 12. The opening bet, then, is $2 (12 divided by six). If the opening bet lost, the objective would be increased by the lost $2 to $14 and you would then divide six into 14 to get the total of the next bet.Rounding off, your next bet would be $2.50. Let’s assume your bet lost again. You now have a target of $16.50 and this is divided by six so your next bet would be, rounded off, $3. Let’s assume the worst and we have this horse losing. Your target now rises to $19.50, which again is divided by six to get your next bet, which is, rounded off, $3.50.Good news! You get a winner at 2/1. That means you have won $7 of the target of $19.50, which reduces the target to $12.50. You now have to drop your divisor by two points (the price of the winner) and this now becomes a divisor of four.Your next bet, then, is $12.50 divided by four, which gives you a vet, rounded off, of $3. If this bet won, say, at 3/1 you would have a profit of $9 coming off the $12.50, leaving you only $3.50 to get to complete the Six Point Plan, with a divisor of 1. At this point you can simply rule off that particular section and begin a completely new Six Point target and divisor.
Should you strike a losing run which seems without end, you can easily halt any rapid rise in stakes by introducing the Safety Brake. The divisor may be six when you strike a slump which has taken the target figure to, say, 60, meaning a bet of 10 units next time. All you do now is bring in a new divisor to add to the present one, and a fresh target. This means a new target of 12 (added to the current 60) making 72, and a new divisor of 12.Your next bet, then, would be 72 divided by 12, equalling six. If you were still not happy you could even bring in a third divisor of six and a third extra target of 12, making your set-up now a target of 84 divided by 18, meaning a next bet of, say, $4.50.You can also introduce new divisor/target figures when your current divisor has, say, dropped to two, with an objective, say, of $5. This calls for a $2.50 bet. Whenever the divisor is lower than three it is sensible, to protect your capital, to bring in a new divisor and objective, as this prevents stakes rising too rapidly in the event of a long losing run.

Divisor Target
2 5
Bring in new divisor
6 12
New divisor/target
8 17

As you can see, you now have a new divisor of eight and a new target of 17, giving you a next bet of, say, $2. Why do we bring in this safety brake? Because, with a divisor of only two you strakes could climb too steeply and the situation just might become fraught with panic on your side.The good thing about the Six Point Plan is that it provides, through the safety brakes, for a common-sense approach. Also, you MUST win in the end! On any reasonable set of selections, you will eventually back winners whose combined total odds will wipe out the divisor and produce the desired profit.

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