I solved this by creating a frame and spanning the column, i then just packed everything in from the left then just looped over and did it again.
Setting the colours definitely made a difference as i could see what was happening, now just to set them all back.
from tkinter import *
from tkcalendar import Calendar,DateEntry
import json
import requests
app = Tk()
app.title("Todays Races")
app.resizable(width=False, height=False)
#Clears Daily Race Meetings
def Fclear():
for widget in Rinfo.winfo_children():
#Collects Daily Race Meetings
def get_json():
state = "VIC"
date = cal.get()
url = "https://api.beta.tab.com.au/v1/tab-info-service/racing/dates/" + str(date) + "/meetings?jurisdiction=" + state
data = requests.get(url)
data1 = json.loads(data.content)
Venues = data1["meetings"]
for V in Venues:
Rtype = V["raceType"]
Mname = V["meetingName"]
Location = V["location"]
Wcondition = V["weatherCondition"]
Tcondition = V["trackCondition"]
states = ("VIC","NSW","QLD","SA","WA","TAS","ACT")
if Rtype == "R" and Location in states:
#Race Info frame
Rinfo = Frame(app, width=100, bg="green")
#Race info
Mname_label = Label(Rinfo, text=Mname, font=("bold", 12), width=20, anchor=W, bg="red")
Location_label = Label(Rinfo, text=Location, font=("bold", 12), width=5 ,anchor=W, bg="red")
Tcondition_label = Label(Rinfo, text=Tcondition, font=("bold", 12), width=10 ,anchor=W, bg="red")
Wcondition_label = Label(Rinfo, text=Wcondition, font=("bold", 12), width=10 ,anchor=W, bg="red")
# Date Selection Frame
Dateframe = Frame(app, bg="Lightblue")
Dateframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
#Frame widgets
date_label = Label(Dateframe, text="Input Date", font=("bold", 14), bg="Lightblue")
date_label.grid(row=0, column=0)
cal = DateEntry(Dateframe,width=15, bg="darkblue", fg="white", date_pattern='yyyy-mm-dd',year=2020)
cal.grid(row=0, column=2)
date_btn = Button(Dateframe, text="Go", width=8, bg="Lightgreen", command=get_json)
date_btn.grid(row=0, column=3)
delete_btn = Button(Dateframe, text="Clear", width=8, bg="#ff704d", command=Fclear)
delete_btn.grid(row=0, column=4)
#Headings frame
Headingsframe = Frame(app, bg="Lightblue")
Headingsframe.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
#Race Info Headings
htrack = Label(Headingsframe, text="Track", pady=10, font=("bold", 12),anchor=W, width=20, fg="Blue", bg="yellow")
htrack.grid(row=0, column=0)
hstate = Label(Headingsframe, text="State", pady=10, font=("bold", 12),anchor=W, width=5, fg="Blue", bg="orange")
hstate.grid(row=0, column=2)
hcondition = Label(Headingsframe, text="Condition", pady=10, font=("bold", 12),anchor=W, width=10, fg="Blue", bg="blue")
hcondition.grid(row=0, column=3)
hweather = Label(Headingsframe, text="Weather", pady=10, font=("bold", 12),anchor=W, width=10, fg="Blue", bg="green")
hweather.grid(row=0, column=4)