Thread: On the Punt
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Old 9th October 2016, 10:18 AM
JB1 JB1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 298

My assessment Alice Springs Sunday

R1- 4. Lady Phromily, 3. Perfect Pause, 5. Rhythm of Cuba, 6. Grab for Power, 2. Adjuster
R2- 2. Never Pointless, 5. Mr Good Looking, 10. Shadow Dunes, 8. Kentucky Fireball, 1. Heirdom
R3- 3. Hot Spin, 4. Mykonos, 1. Eighteen Bombers, 2. Maboots, 8. Bonsai Boy
R4- 5. Lotta Dame 6. She's Nice, 3. Purple Phenomenon, 10. Maska, 4. Stratum's Way
R5- 9. Snowtrooper, 5. Girl Happy, 2. Estambul Thirteen, 4. Shivoro, 6. Bachelor Pad
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