Thread: On the Punt
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Old 31st July 2016, 08:29 PM
JB1 JB1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 298

My assessment Darwin Monday (N.B. early testing mode)

R1- 1. Global Icon, 4. Spoilspot, 6. Street Royale, 2. The Hummel, 5. Dash About
R2- 1. Action Again, 5. Girls Away, 7. Moot, 2. King's Pardon, 6. King Dejour
R3- 1. Cadman, 8. Belle Ez, 4. Ticket to Toorak, 3. Set For A Bundle
R4- 11. Sparkling Vixen, 7. Roughly, 1. Swingitlikesayers, 2. Tibet, 8. Tigra
R5- 5. Gallant Express, 6. Senor Juez, 3. Lago Girl, 1. Le Commandant, 7. Dancing Poetess
R6- 3. Heirdom, 4. Kilim, 1. Mavericks, 7. Lead Husson, 8. Harrebs Time
R7- 2. Abu Dhabi, 4. Bel Sir, 10. Brown Coal, 8. Pot Black
R8- 1. Wicked Tycoon, 7. Quantum Dot, 9. Moonlight Hussler, 5. Battle of Hastings, 10. Idatrice
R9- 1. Lightinthenight, 5. Finke, 4. Our Valdivia, 9. Moon Devil, 8. Big Man, 6. Royal Request
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