Thread: On the Punt
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Old 3rd May 2016, 08:12 PM
JB1 JB1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 298

My assessment Riverton R.C. @ Riverton Wednesday (N.B. early testing mode)

R1- 1. Billy Elliot, 3. Regalo Reaal, 5. Seeking Redemption, 2. Mr Nobody
R2-1. Payment Pending, 4. Satin Jitterbug, 3. Alpine Julz, 5. Raising Penny
R3-1. Krase, 2. Keep It Tight, 4. Gargamel, 3. McCulley
R4-2. La Nouvelle Vague, 4. The Energizer, 3. Sir Amron, 8. Go Go Gonzo
R5-1. Belle Boy, 7. Eagle Magic, 6. Risky Flight, 9. Velvet Rose
R6-8. Clareville Flight, 1. Sir Jack Remington, 6. Miss Fortune, 9. The Theme
R7-5. Over Take, 6. Mrs Nevill, 1. Diva's Halo, 2. Master Karsten
R8-5. In Her Wake, 1. Nesta, 7. Millie Rose, 8. Consolidate
R9-6. Let's Escape, 3. Gold'nguru, 5. Tappy's Best, 1. Lord Beaver
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