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Old 11th July 2015, 12:36 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

Originally Posted by Twodogs
Hi Guys and Gals,

Just wondering if there is a way do download the Skyform ratings into Excel?

Also are the Skyform ratings actually Wizard ratings? They look very similar.

Thanks in advance

Wizard provides the Skyform ratings to 4 ranks as opposed to their own 3 ranks. That is one item sorted.
There are a couple of spreadsheets on this forum that will do the excel. They will pull up skyform and bring them into the sheets. People found it slow though. Champion Shaun's work again.
"God made man in his image". He then went to great lengths to ensure that each and every person was unique. God then pondered and said "I will call these human, as very few will rise from the herd to be called individual"
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