Thread: Father and Son?
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Old 15th April 2015, 08:31 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 755

It's more than interesting this exotic combo. Vancouver was a 'given' for the anchor. Kermadec, from memory, was a surprise price wise but not so much Rating wise? Spieth was the long shot, not sure?

What this excercise, in profitability teaches, is being innovative in the betting mix. Cross sports multi's are something a lot of punters, me included, never consider? We tend to specialise in working a category with a 'lot of miles on the clock' and few profitable opportunities left. There's just so much going down on a daily basis 24/7, it's hard to think outside the square!

There could be a 'gimme' in a snooker match or soccer or racing etc somewhere in the world tonight but it'll never get noticed till after the event....dammit!!
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