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Old 11th October 2013, 09:16 AM
CairnsMan CairnsMan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by Clive
Sounds to me like you're doing pretty well already. Not always helpful to expect total perfection.
If you are in profit, just up the stake.
A very sucessfull punter who I learned a lot from, told me "Never bet more than you'd be comfortable of losing"...

Quite simply, the pressure of losing money creates doubt in the mind of the punter and they make silly mistakes as a result.

My methods are very good and succesfull, last Sat I got 6 out of 7 winners (nominating about 3 in a race) and as a normal thing I can get 4 - 5 winners every Saturday and Wednesday. I only concentrate on Sydney tracks, not interested in Melb, and other tracks. Still I think I can do better so I am striving to improve, perhaps perfection is too big an ask but shooting for it can't hurt.
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