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Old 28th June 2013, 09:49 AM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,237

I 'pay' myself by closing up the betting shop browser after a win. In simple terms, I am 'banking' any profit which means I don't hand some(all?) of it back. My current target is 3.2% on capital per betting day and since I have set this mark, I have achieved it 22 / 40 times or 55% of the time.

Once a week I get an email with the record of my activity for the week, bet by bet. This provides an accurate reflection of where the week started and ended, up or down and by how much.

I like the idea of a 10% take off the top but not in lieu of the bank growing at an optimal rate so I will now consider taking 10% off the table each and every time the bank doubles; a bit like bank interest but higher and tax free e.g. at the 110% mark.This could then be drawn out via electronic transfer into a designated account i.e. play money and the bank would then get reset for the 3.2% target

Thanks for the idea Puntz.

Cheers LG
The trick isn't finding profitable angles, it's finding ones you will bet through the ups and downs - UB
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