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Old 30th May 2013, 04:04 PM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,455
Default Umitab Lay Method

I have been lookimg at am old method i that i seen, you lay the second Unitab pick as long as it is umder $8 lay price and not fave, you stop betting that venue as soon as a result is known.

I did some back testing just using Unitab prices plus 20% to account for betfair lay price, here are some results for the first 3 months of this year.

Outlay $18,062
Return $19,263
Profit $1,201
Selection 492
Wins 402
SR 81.54%
AVE Price $6.56
POT 6.65%

I did adjustments to account for comission.

Going to do the next 3 months, the liability was 5% payout of bank adjusted weekly

Any input would be good or maybe something i need to look at.
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