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Old 20th April 2013, 10:30 AM
SpeedyBen SpeedyBen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 464

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Has anyone researched whether certain race tracks suit say front runners, while other courses produce tight finishes more often? If so do you think speed maps of races held on a particular course reflect this bias?
Always looking for that couple of per cent edge!!!
Cheers RP
If you wish to do this seriously there is a goldmine hiding in the R&S in running stats. Spend a couple of weeks watching races while armed with the stats showing how the leaders and first 4 on pace runners go at the course/ distance you are watching. Take particular note how favourites go when they lead at favourable/ unfavourable CDs. If you can read the ease ( or otherwise ) with which the leader is going by the jock's arm movements then the world is your oyster.
The longest price I have got in running on a leader which won is $33.
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