Thread: Neural Settings
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Old 18th March 2013, 10:50 AM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463

Hey all,

Another update regarding my trial of adjusting Neural settings based on impact values of the race conditions as mentioned in previous post. I've now got 500 races recorded over the last 10 or so days. A lot of the impact values are starting to take shape and on saturday I used the adjusted Neurals to back some horses before my basketball grand final in the afternoon. Managed to hit 4 winners with odds of $2, $8, $9 and $12. Not sure if it was just a lucky morning of punting or the impact values are really working their magic.

There are still some racing elements that simply haven't had enough races recorded yet so their impact values are way over/under stated (For example Mares only races). These type of races will likely take a couple of months at least before their impact values are representative of the actual performance.

However once I have 1,000 races recorded sometime in the next 2 weeks i'll start collecting the data on the adjusted Neurals as well and their performance to see if it does improve the performance of the Neural ratings. Initial thoughts is that it does improve the results and that it can possibly used both from a backing point of view and laying point of view. An idea i've got at the moment is to lay the bottom rated horse in races of 8 or less horses, bottom 3 in 12 or less runners and bottom 5 in 13+ horse fields however i'll have to run some tests obviously to see if its viable.

Anyway just thought i'd keep people up to date and will start getting some results up in the near future.
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