Thread: Rugby Union
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Old 15th February 2012, 03:41 PM
Raystef5845 Raystef5845 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 641
Default correction to my last reply

I wrote the numerator of the Kelly equation incorrectly in my last send. If Rb is the bookie decimal odds and Rf is my fair odds. The numerator of the Kelly equation should be Rb/Rf-1. If the bookie gives Rb = 2.2 and I have Rf = 2, then the numerator is 2.2/2 - 1 or 1.1 - 1 or 0.1. That means the expected overlay is 10%. The denominator for Kelly is Rb -1 which would be 2.2 - 1 or 1.1. Taking 1/2 Kelly you get 0.5 (0.1)/1.1 or 0.045. You bet 4.5% or your bankroll. The info with each week's predcitions gives the 1/2 Kelly formula and much more.


Ray Stefani
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