14th February 2012, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 641
how much to bet
Hi Kumite,
I forgot to answer your other question about factors affecting a bet. The half Kelly equation takes care of how much overlay there is and not betting much on longshots. The numerator of the Kelly equation, Rf/Rb-1, is the amount of overlay, what you expect to win. If there is low overaly, that will suggest hardly any bet. You divide by Rb-1 which reduces bets on long shots (large Rb). I caution aganst Rb more than 4.35 anyway. Finally, you take half the result so as not to overbet and you scale down to 25% of your bankroll if you find a week with overlay bets titaling moe than 25% of your bakroll.
Good luck,