24th December 2011, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,425
Well I'm certainly not Z, not even close unfortunately.
I just get a little fed up with how some punters are granted rebates and incentives and the real core of any business are it's bread and butter customers.
There are three or four very large punters who are receiving rebates and as well as that manipulating the markets.
A rebate plus the opportunity to manipulate the markets all add up to far more than a 10% advantage over the everyday punter.
So it doesn't actually take talent to win, like the punters who are at the mercy of the big hitters and without rebates.
Here's an analolgy of just how unfair it all is for the normal bloke.
I open a Milk Bar and pay trade prices.
Next door a big chain comes in with millions of dollars, so can buy everything cheaper due to rebates.
They undercut me and put me out of business.
The only other consideration is that they also have ten times my overheads.
Now fast forward to the punter, there are no other overheads for the big hitter.
And there you go, a very small percentage are winning a lot and cannibalising the average punter along the way.