Thread: Dear Bhagwan
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Old 16th May 2002, 06:06 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Hi Placegetter;
From my personal observation of other systems,you will have a run of ins that pair up then a run of outs ,my feeling is just because its selected twice ,it does`nt mean it will win twice as much therefor put twice as much money on it.
Also try & only bet them if they are paying $3.30+ in the newspaper or TAB,one has to get some leverage .
I feel its best to treat it as a single bet .
Only your personal research would proove otherwise.
To maybe display a point using an example using the tippsters poll in say the Australian with 10 tipsters.
The top selection maybe nominated 5+ times ,you will find though they dont win 5 times more races than the other nominations.
Maybe this is not a fare example comparing this with your system but I think you get the broad analogy.
All I can suggest is do the stats. & maybe it may reveal something over the next 3 months but tread with caution.Because I`ve seen certain things go beautifully for 9 mnths. then fall into a hole for 3 mths. then they come good again.Sounds weird I know but you will avoiding a lot of short priced loosers if you look at that$3.30+ rule if your win betting & $3.00+ rule if place betting.
I hope this helps in some way.
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