Thread: A Joke!
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Old 6th June 2010, 06:18 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Default A Joke!

A rabbit visit’s the same café every night and orders a ham and cheese toastie, never alters.

One night the owner informs him that he has ran out of ham, but suggests a chicken and salad instead,…….the Bunny reluctantly agrees.

Anyway the next night he doesn’t show, nor the next, nor the next .
The sales person notices and says to his mate (half thinking aloud) I wonder what happened to the rabbit?

Suddenly! A loud haunting voice comes from somewhere in the sky, and says, er, I DIED,………the café owner drops a plate, but then recognises the voice, …. Again the voice said its me! I DIED,

The owner says but what did you die of?

The Bunny answered MIXING ME TOASTIES!
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