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Old 13th March 2007, 05:18 PM
Punter4211 Punter4211 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156

Originally Posted by crash
A pro. punter is one who actually lives off the punt, not a punter who can show a regular profit. I think perhaps Mark is a pro. punter [sorry Mark if I'm wrong] who has the ability and capacity to arbitrage a large amount of money on Betfair every week. Enough for the slender profit % to enable a life on it. Anyone else here [not me]? I doubt it.
In fact I think there are very few pro. punters in Oz. Big punters sure, but Pro. punters who live off punting? I don't think so.

Well Crash,

That's interesting because if one can turn in $500.00 a week that's 26,000 per year, without a lot of expenses that is fairly easy to live off.. So 4 -5 sizable bets of $5,000 per year based on $2-3 return would put a punter in the right ball park..

I read in the paper of one or two guys that bet in the 10s of thousands each week and show a profit, so if they can do it, why can't we?

I stll recon it can be done..

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