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Old 22nd March 2006, 01:12 PM
marcus25 marcus25 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by monkeyinjapan
When you say that you don't have BetSelector, I assume you've used it in the past to be able to make such a comment.


Hi monkeyinjapan!
No I do not and never had the software, but I am quite familiar with it through a friend who does, and my rating software "NOT FOR SALE!!!!" beats the crp.... out of it any time.

It takes me to run, rate a meeting, (not a race) and print out the selections, form and price required in less then a couple of minutes.
Not only that, but it will identify the races where the first,sec. or third selection has a distinct advantage over it's rivals in one or more criteria.
True, it took years to get to this stage and it's still a work in progress, but I started out with pen and paper like everyone else.
Good luck
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