22nd March 2006, 03:10 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
Originally Posted by rooburger
.... the orange sports car and his living address says he's doing something right.......cheers to all
I'm afraid the above doesn't really mean much as an indicator of punting success. There are plenty of rich people who like to punt. Kerry Packer was a big punter [in Casino terms, a 'whale'] .....also, overall a big loser who certainly never made his money from punting, just like most other rich people who punt.
Seeing well off people getting a few good collects doesn't mean much either. You can't possibly be shadowing the guy you mentioned every time he punts and if he was a serious winning punter he would be doing it a home on a computer and telephone chasing better odds, not at a TAB. If you know him and he tells you he is a winning punter ....well anyone here a losing punter??? See, not many hands up [if any].
I lose, not much but overall I average out at being in front 1 year in 3 and I think that's not a bad effort. I punt for pleasure and can afford my modest overall % loss and in return I get a lot of enjoyment from the game. I do have periods of success though where I think I've got the game cornered ...then reality kicks in with a losing streak. It's easy to beat a race, but it's another thing completely to beat the races. It's a negative expectation game [with or without a calculator]. The odds are well against us.
Punters will let you know [very loudly sometimes] when they are winning, but generally keep their losses quiet. Whether someone is wining or losing long term is a hard one to work out. Also, punters are often bigger lier's than fisherman. What we do know is that 95% [possibly more] of all punters lose long term and that probably holds true even for members on this forum :-)