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Old 20th March 2006, 06:35 AM
Squirter Squirter is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Takanini
Posts: 270

Punter 76, bet all 3 horses if....after dividing their individual (paying) prices into 100 and the total of that sum (adding the 3 results) totals around 75 then by investing the individual result on that horse for the win (and do this for the other 2 horses) no matter which horse wins you win.

Horse A. paying about $6.50 div. into 100 = 15.3....
Horse B. paying about $2.60 div. into 100 = 38.4....
Horse C. paying about $4.25 div. into 100 = 23.5....
Total of the 3 results 76. Figures rounded off.

Invest $15 on Horse A.
Invest $38 on horse B.
Invest $23 on horse C.

Do the maths and no matter which horse wins your return will be $97-98
for a total investment of $76.

After a few trys it's quite easy and quick....there is also some quick maths for reducing the total investment to give the same result.

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