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Old 5th March 2006, 09:54 AM
wesmip1 wesmip1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,601
Default Days since last run ?


A lot of systems use "Days since last run" as a filter to their systems. Personally I haven't ever used it and I have never seen any stats on it.

Does anyone have any stats on the following :

Winners avg days since last run ( and broken into subsections ie 1-7 days, 7-14 days, 14-21 days, 21-28 days, 28+ days )

Average days since last run for all horses.

In particular I am interested to see if there is the same % of winners in each subsection as taken in relation to the % of horses running in that subsection.

An example might help:

1-7 days has 2300 Winners 10000 horses ( 23% Winners )
7-14 days has 460 Winners from 2000 horses ( 23% Winners )
14-21 days has 200 Winners from 1000 horses ( 20 % Winners )
21+ days has 50 winners from 100 horses ( 50% winners )

The details above are just made up to show what I am looking for. In particular my figures (which were made up) would show it is better to have a break of 21+ days.

If anyone has any details it would be greatly appreciated. I want to know whether or not the factor is valid.

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