2nd March 2006, 06:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 241
If one looks at unitab (sorry dont have data base yet but working towards it)
have a look at the last three starts.
I have a place thing going on trial at the moment where i dont worry at the odds if they are under 20s.
As long as its like this,...kind of.
742, 641,6X2, 32X, 322 etc.
It often comes up trumps, have a look.
I target price bands for win, 3.5-12, over these i dont go win, place only but its worth looking at "improvers", even if they are up in class and weight.
Cheers Dingo.
Also have a look at Bhagwans Neural plan, he excludes all factors bar CF, the reverses it.