Thread: Just wondering
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Old 28th February 2006, 11:16 AM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
Posts: 1,694

Gday Marcus

for information re the ratings this proggy produces I would suggest you contact the author.... His customer support is pretty good and usually gets back to you (email) within a day.

There is an independant monitor of all things ratings, for the life of me I cant think of their name... they monitor all ratings around the place and rate this program produces favourably.

For the money you can't go wrong...

You mention time taken to collate the info needed to make your own ratings... you have missed the point of this program it is a tool nothing more... It takes me about 3 minutes to do a full saturdays racing, usually 10 or 11 meetings about 1000 horses, using this program, it used to take me literally hours... A decent Excel macro running decent formulas takes all the time outta it... (many thanks to my mate who wrote the macro) I can't reccomend this proggy highly enough.. it is a real labour saver, and I think with sensible staking approaches you will make money from the raw...ratings the program produces... Then again it may not be for you... the choice is obvioulsy yours

Good luck and good punting
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