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Shaun 19th April 2010 01:11 AM

Excel Help
1 Attachment(s)
Hi, i have some betfair data that i wanted to sort.

What i have is some code in the shaded area that separates racing win markets and indicates the winner, what i need is a way to show the fav in each of those markets some sort of code i can copy down in a cell.

I have only uploaded part of the files as it is very large.

Crackone 19th April 2010 07:48 PM

this will find the lowest price =MIN(IF($C$2:$C$6000=C2,$J$2:$J$6000,"")) enter with shift control enter, also you could expand the range.

Its a start

Crackone 19th April 2010 08:41 PM

You could conditional format to high light the Fav

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