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moeee 14th December 2005 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
i sure they are.
could not be 2 in same vein.
good for laugh here in siberia.
maybe mr winston give me 100/1winner at xmas not in january.
you think.
mr darky.
No I didn't end up in Siberia.
They let me off after I pleaded insanity.

KennyVictor 14th December 2005 12:08 PM

You guys amaze me. Winston underscore smith is the same as someone else, Zoe is someones wife. This person is that person. What happens? Do you guys meet down the pub after a session on the forum and know each other?
Guess I'm just niave (no that's not the name of another member).


darkydog2002 14th December 2005 12:33 PM

kenny victor
mr winston gone to gulag.
not here from him no more.
mr darky.

jfc 14th December 2005 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by Winston_Smith
i could have launched into statement calling farcical your reference as "surprisingly high". justified in light of $557 pool size for race 1 at caloundra that day. but i did not.
in fact your post actually ask why others not use Austote. (again, click above link to read actual post). my post is direct response to mr chrome prince question and your question. it explain clearly why i not use austote for serious bet.
Thank you. Winston.

I'm surprised that no one has picked up on this farcical pool of $557.

Compare that with CALOUNDRA 1 (the equivalent race) last Sunday you'll find the pool was $18,499!

That $557 in November was clearly something abnormal, particularly when you note how later races that day picked up substantially.

Unless my mind is playing tricks on me, there was some sort of system problem early that day.

Clearly that $557 is an inappropriate instance on which to base an argument, but presumably taking the trouble to find meaningful data would have been too much of an imposition for my former correspondent.

slowman 14th December 2005 07:33 PM

i think you won jfc............but it was only a T.K.O.

lomaca 14th December 2005 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
You guys amaze me. Winston underscore smith is the same as someone else, Zoe is someones wife. This person is that person. What happens? Do you guys meet down the pub after a session on the forum and know each other?
Guess I'm just niave (no that's not the name of another member).


Hi KV!
A couple of days ago I posted a message along those lines, but ten minutes later I thought better of it, and deleted the post. My suspicion was aroused by the correct spelling and the way the arguments were presented. The broken english reminded me of Paul Hogan's Luigi. Remember? Only a native english speaker would make those deliberate mistakes.

jfc 15th December 2005 05:14 AM

La Mer,

I would have thought that "watch the pool size" (no matter who your service provider is) is so obvious to all that it's not worth mentioning.

And how realistic is your example of $200 on a 20-something? For a start the winnings exceed bookmakers' obligations so would any fixed-price operator accept that much exposure, unless the client was a known consistent loser?

The pool size is very prominently displayed so it's unlikely that any sane person would try plonking that much on a longshot.

If they did then they would get real-time feedback on much they had crushed the pool. That dramatic reality-check would probably leave them with a lesson they'd remember for the rest of their life.

I'd imagine that if Mr Big Enough was trying to put substantial bets like that on AusTote then he would merely put a number of smaller bets, monitoring the effect of the diminishing returns each time.

Once the premium got squeezed then maybe he'd try shopping around elsewhere, although I suspect that Triple-Tote limits of a $100 means he could only plonk on $4. I wouldn't know.

I remind all of my new table which combines my original data with KennyVictor's BestTote figures, and suggests that AusTote is still a clear winner.

That should be the important issue here, rather than speculation about Winston's alma mater.

jfc 8th February 2006 02:53 PM

Intriguing AusTote gambit on Sandown 4. Massive pool of $94,769.

Winner Perfect Feeling paid 5.30 versus 2.50 at Tab Limited.



Whoever plonked the big bucks on AusTote must be licking his wounds, unless this was some form of new sting!

jfc 16th February 2006 12:52 PM

More weird (but nice) stuff at AusTOTE.

Pools significantly bigger today. The accompanying immense overs are a sublime sign.

Hawkesbury 1 = $37.65 versus $10.30 in NSW!

Obviously many of you still haven't dipped your toes there - otherwise you'd be unable to contain yourselves.

moeee 16th February 2006 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
You guys amaze me.

Guess I'm just niave (no that's not the name of another member).


Stop Guessing.
Be more assertive.
You'll do much better.

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