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Merriguy 12th December 2005 02:00 PM

A couple of other things that those who do not use Austote at the moment should note:

They don't field all races --- none today as far as I can see.

They do indicate how much has been invested in the pool at any moment

The Virtual FormGuide shows Austote's pool and the pools for the three mainland totes together, and that service is free

Unfortunately they do not take place bets (again, in so far as I can see)

Winston_Smith 12th December 2005 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by jfc
The liquidity is irrelevant, because
i sorry but statements like the above give me grief.
liquidity of Austote pool is very much a concern.
take the example given before of $92.25 winner. i have very good longshot system which did not pick this horse this day but for sake of example assume it did. i put $100 on this longshot system so if i bet with austote this horse then only pay $41.80. less than half of published dividend. (yes still better than best tote but this will not be case always)
take another example. on same day i actually pick princess fong at caloundra. it pay $1.90 on austote. (i actually get better than this but that different story). this system i put $1000 onto winner. if i put this on austote it only pay $1.20.
yes it true that same money on any tote will effect dividend but it not effect dividend much as on austote. pool at caloundra on tab was ~ $22000 pool at caloundra on austote was $557. i put this bet on tab and price change from $1.80 to $1.70 (maybe $1.60)

let me say i very much like austote. i think is good idea and i very much like to see liquidity improve so i can bet much there. unfortunately i very much like to win and therefore i only place very small bets on austote. yes i use austote but only for testing new idea with very small dollars. here austote very good and generally pay good. with big money have to be very careful not to effect dividend too much.
Thank you. Winston.

Winston_Smith 12th December 2005 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Merriguy
They don't field all races --- none today as far as I can see.
austote have holiday every monday

jfc 12th December 2005 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by Winston_Smith
i sorry but statements like the above give me grief.
liquidity of Austote pool is very much a concern.
take the example given before of $92.25 winner. i have very good longshot system which did not pick this horse this day but for sake of example assume it did. i put $100 on this longshot system so if i bet with austote this horse then only pay $41.80. less than half of published dividend. (yes still better than best tote but this will not be case always)
take another example. on same day i actually pick princess fong at caloundra. it pay $1.90 on austote. (i actually get better than this but that different story). this system i put $1000 onto winner. if i put this on austote it only pay $1.20.
yes it true that same money on any tote will effect dividend but it not effect dividend much as on austote. pool at caloundra on tab was ~ $22000 pool at caloundra on austote was $557. i put this bet on tab and price change from $1.80 to $1.70 (maybe $1.60)

let me say i very much like austote. i think is good idea and i very much like to see liquidity improve so i can bet much there. unfortunately i very much like to win and therefore i only place very small bets on austote. yes i use austote but only for testing new idea with very small dollars. here austote very good and generally pay good. with big money have to be very careful not to effect dividend too much.
Thank you. Winston.


Your associate has disclosed his betting patterns here:

Originally Posted by Stebbo
03/04 I made 4839 bets average bet size was $15
04/05 I made 6383 bets average bet size was $23

Yet you entertain putting $100 bets on AusTote on runners showing ~$90 expecting the dividend to be halved!

And you go on to $1000 bets.

Perhaps this may go someway to explaining your own betting accomplishments.

Originally Posted by Winston
i win little bit on horses and i use statistics lots.

jorgo 12th December 2005 04:48 PM


Winston_Smith 12th December 2005 06:59 PM

mr jfc
i look for relevant part in post made by you and end up with this
Originally Posted by jfc
it is pity that you cannot have proper discussion with person who disagree with you. I make valid comment about pool size on austote and you reply with irrelevant and improper remark. for the record i not know or associate with this stebbo you refer to apart from reading many of the things he say on many forums. i not agree with everything he say just as i not agree with everything you say. and im not scared to challenge his statement just like i challenge yours. you talk about quotes earlier today and these two are also liked by me
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
-George Bernard Shaw

"The only stupid question is the one that you dont ask".
if you see error in my calculation or disagree with my statement then im happy to discuss with you.
Thank you. Winston.

KennyVictor 12th December 2005 08:23 PM

I hate to disturb the polite exchange of frank and meaningful views by our regular combatents but:
I've never used Austote (never seemed to have the races I wanted to bet on) so I'm not familiar with how they operate. Is it along the same lines as the TAB, i.e. win pool divided by the number of winning bets and then a commission creamed from the winnings?
(And I hope my polite question doesn't earn quite so sharp a response as you got sportz).


Sportz 12th December 2005 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
(And I hope my polite question doesn't earn quite so sharp a response as you got sportz).

Yeah, it's tough around here, KV. :D

jorgo 12th December 2005 08:35 PM

Tab markets operate on about 118%, Austote operates on around 100.4% this means u get in most cases much better odds and therefore it is easier to win:)

It is unlikely that tab odds will better than austotes unless for some reason there is alot of money on one horse. for example if the pool is only 3000 and someone puts 100 bucks on a 100/1 chance then obviously the odds are gonna come in.

I forget why i wrote this now but anyways, it may help:)

slowman 12th December 2005 09:03 PM

...............SILLY BOYS IS ALL CHOPPER HAD TO SAY....................

........................CHEERS.................... ............SLOWMAN.....................

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