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Sportz 8th March 2006 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
No mate, still wouldn't back it just coz it's the longest. I reckon only 43% of your money comes back betting on the longest priced horse usually but it improves to 56% now that one has already won. If, as Marcus suggests, the same thing holds true of long prices generally (as opposed to the LONGEST) maybe just the longer priced horses in general might be a good bet now.

Wasn't thinking of backing them. I was simply asking if that was the circumstances that you measured in your test.

KennyVictor 8th March 2006 03:33 PM

A thousand pardons Sportz I read your post too quickly and misunderstood the gist of your question. Yes, that's exactly what I would do in the context of the test.

KennyVictor 10th March 2006 11:31 AM

As regards track differences - I've run the figures on NSW races using the SP to find the favorite or longest priced horse and the returns based on the NSW TAB payout.

Longest priced horses return.
  • about 56% of your cash with a strike rate of 2.33% on heavy tracks.
  • about 53% of your cash with a strike rate of 1.51% on slow tracks.
  • about 41% of your cash with a strike rate of 1.08% on dead tracks.
  • about 42% of your cash with a strike rate of 1.13% on good tracks.

Favorites return.
  • 88.02% of your cash with a strike rate of 31.18% on heavy tracks
  • 89.77% of your cash with a strike rate of 31.89% on slow tracks
  • 89.37% of your cash with a strike rate of 32.76% on dead tracks
  • 90.23% of your cash with a strike rate of 33.83% on good tracks
Not a great difference with favorites but the longshots seem to do better on worse tracks.


Sportz 10th March 2006 12:17 PM

Yeah, that was pretty much what I thought.

marcus25 11th March 2006 04:06 PM

Longshots seldom come alone
Hi KV!
Flemingtom today!
Two over tens, and kabooom, a $68 longshot. That will do me.
Although, why Roman Arch was at those odds beats me? I had it as a third selection, but that's beside the point!!!

KennyVictor 12th March 2006 11:32 AM

Good on ya Marcus. I mean to test this multiple longshot thing when I get time. Can't say I agreed on Roman Arch, I had him gasping for breath 6 and a half lengths behind the winner so I certainly wouldn't have picked him on ratings alone. But still, I didn't lose any quinellas at Flemington because I never got a first one to come up - didn't even come close, which might explain my failure on RA.

marcus25 12th March 2006 09:39 PM

[QUOTE= I mean to test this multiple longshot thing when I get time.[/QUOTE]

Hi KV!
Know what you mean! I will do it myself soon, lucky I only bet on a limited number of meetings, I don't think it would work, betting on every meeting, every race. Not having done the research I just don't know.
As to Roman Arch, we all have a different approach to rating.
Sometimes I am right, other times you are.
Wish we all would be right a bit more often though??

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