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$100? We have a large file of e-mails and letters from our valued clients and visitors, all of them verifiable. Unlike some businesses, we do not write our own testimonials. This shabby practice deserves to be exposed wherever it can be shown to be happening. We even have current users of our information who are prepared to talk to serious, prospective purchasers of our premium betting package. How many races do you rate? Looking at the web server logs we noticed that only a handful
of people were actually checking them out so we stopped the publication
of the ratings. It wasn't worth the trouble and expense. People who want
to believe that the information we print is not genuine will continue
to do so, no matter what we put on the web. The famous punter Don Scott, who was way ahead of his time, once went a full year in which he lost a considerable amount of money. Yet he was someone actually able to influence the betting market to get the prices he wanted on his selections. There was nothing wrong with his selections, his staking, or the prices he got. It was simply a bad statistical run, part of the great unknown of betting on horses. Copyright ©1998-present. OZmium Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: This site covers various aspects of horseracing in Australia. We provide betting tips, online gambling strategy and links to many thoroughbred sites. OZmium Pty Ltd is not responsible for the content of the links and also accepts no liability for financial loss or misadventure caused by the information provided here. We strongly recommend you bet within your budget and only with money you are prepared to risk. |