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12/5/2002 Edition No.27

Latest Blackjack Gossip


One of the main barriers to earning a decent living playing blackjack is the cost of accommodation when travelling. A casino may well put you up in-house for a couple of trips, but they eventually tire of free-loading card-counters. A story recently reported to us tells of patrons having their luggage thrown out of their rooms before given their marching orders. Our recommendation is to pre-pay with where even four star accommodation can be had for less than $100 per room per night.

Sydney and Melbourne have altered their playing limits on many blackjack tables. $25-$1000 and $50-$2000 tables have very strangely appeared. Both casinos are hell-bent on cutting their own throats when you consider the gambler can’t keep chipping-up during a ‘lucky run’ to his heart’s content, especially with the premature cut-card appearing! The only point to these changes would seem to be to add colour to some high-flying resumes, soon be doing the rounds when the balance sheets come out.

Would you expect any reasonable casino in the world to display the blackjack cards face-up before dealing them? Surely any truly independent gaming authority would insist on this procedure to ensure ‘fairness’ in the operation on the game? If cards were found to be missing, surely a significant fine would be imposed? Do pigs fly backwards? In the wacky state of Victoria we can safely answer no to all these questions, well, perhaps not the last one...


Opening up a second (or even third) box when there is a high true count can be a double-edged sword. Although you are lessening your bankroll fluctuations, you may also be signalling that you are a card-counter.

If you can combine your box opening with some superstition your play will seem more reasonable. For example, the dealer has just blown everyone away for the last two hands with 20’s, so you announce or insinuate that by playing an extra hand you will ‘change the flow of the cards’. Gamblers will find themselves nodding in agreement. Of course, if everyone loses a third hand in a row, you can say that at least you tried!

Ask the dealer what total you have when you have a multi-card hand. Someone who can’t even add up their hand is obviously cattle-fodder for the casino.

Best of Betting!

News 19/4/2002

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