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20/10/2007 edition

Horse Racing Betting Systems

Continued from previous page

How is a horse racing system made?

Well I'll tell you how, for a bit of fun, I devised a system that made over 100% profit on turnover. Then with a staking plan designed to fit the results turned a few dollars into over $100,000.

First of all you look for winners at double figure odds. That is very easily done today with computer databases of past results. Make certain to include winners over $20.00.

Once you have your winners use your intelligence and your computer to find some factors common to a number of the big priced winners. Make certain to keep winners over $20.00. They will be found using our newly "discovered" special form factor.

Now you introduce a series of elimination rules to get rid of plenty of the losers but keep those big winners. You make the rules sound very sensible.

Then you introduce a staking plan to maximise profits. Check the pattern of your winners and make the staking plan fit the results. That means rapidly increasing your bet sizes because your system is going to start off winning big from day one. (By the way have you seen the dates many marketed racing systems commence from? How many start from January 1 or the beginning of a new racing year in August?)

Here's an extra way to maximise past profits. If your past results have plenty of betting days where there are only one or two selections and on those days they win, while there are some other losing days with quite a few bets on those days, one easy way to maximise profits is to call each racing day a separate "profit or investment day".

6. Make your system stake 5% or 10% of the bank on each race day no matter how many bets you have. That way, on the days where you only have one or two bets and they win, you clean up because you have big bets on them. Of course we know that sort of staking will probably not work in the future. Imagine having 10% of your bank on a number of losing days where you have that 10% on just one selection which of course loses. Then imagine also betting 10% of your bank on days where you have 10 selections and five win. Those winners will just be staked 1% each of your bank!

Now all I had to do was sell the system, which of course I didn't, because I knew it wouldn't work. Here's how it could have been sold:

7. Punters for years have wanted to see lists of past results, profits and strike rates. You meet their demands. Give your system an attractive name. Supply an exciting list of past winning results with a great strike rate on a nice glossy brochure. Add in your amazing new "special form factor" that you have discovered. Show how a small bank turns into a betting fortune. With any luck you'll watch the dollars roll in that you know you'd never get in the future yourself from using your system.

8. Also, of course, watch your system most likely collapse. But you've made your money. Now it's time to invent another horse racing betting system based on another exciting new "special form factor" and sell it to more punters. Maybe even plenty of the punters who bought your last system will purchase your new system. Punters don't easily give up on the search for that winning money making horse racing system pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

This edition of Punt to Win:
Horse racing betting systems
The Professional Punter's horse racing news
Get those betting odds
The Super Four Winning Tips horse racing betting system
Horse Watch betting system - future winners
Betting favourites in small fields: 13/10/2007 & 6/10/2007
Best odds for well bet winners - bookmaker or tote?
Plunge horses - betting tips from the track
Betting top weights - horses carrying a weight handicap of 59kg.
Future winners - unlucky horses
Punt to Win 6/10/2007
Punt to Win index

2006 Melbourne Cup Carnival Winners
Best Tote Odds


Get these prices? Or these prices!! Extra Profit $10 bet
Typhoon Zed 21.50 28.90 $74
Delta Blues 17.50 20.20 $27
Lyrical Bid 16.50 19.00 $25
Brom Felinity 13.30 15.70 $24
Dance Hero 12.60 14.90 $23
Southern Courage 16.20 18.30 $21


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