Punt to Win

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20/10/2007 edition

Horse Racing Betting Systems

Continued from previous page

1. Don't automatically assume anyone will give away for a few dollars a method they really believe will make substantial profits in the future.

Don't automatically assume that marketed racing systems will produce future profits that resemble past results. Many will lose, and some will lose heavily.

All racing systems appear have one big failing - they cannot properly take account of the individuality of each race and they cannot satisfactorily take into account the other horses that the system horse is running against.

To win at horse racing you need to develop an excellent understanding of form analysis. This is a skill, just like accountants, lawyers, teachers, artists, authors and others all require different skills to succeed.

5. It also hit home that it was possible, no matter how much one tries, to be unable to develop good horse racing form analysis skills. It's just like to some students, no matter how much they try, calculus and applied maths will not make sense, while they are able to coherently write about and discuss history or English literature. It's just like some people will not be able to develop the skills needed to be a lawyer or a good school teacher or a portrait artist and so on.

I realised that if I was unable to develop the skills necessary to win at horse racing then I had three main alternatives:

Stop betting

Substantially reduce the size of all my bets so that I could enjoy racing purely as an entertainment and social experience and that money lost was nothing more than entertainment expenses.

Find a reputable ratings/tipping service.

Fortunately, after many hours of hard work, I was able to successfully develop my own form analysis skills. During this process I also came to realise that for years I had been led the wrong way by many in the horse racing media. When I was a novice I just assumed that they all were experts on horse racing and form analysis. They sounded so self assured and knowledgeable.

Big mistake.

Anyway, I digress. Marketed horse racing betting systems claiming hundreds of percent profit on turnover of course appeal to our greed and dreams of making easy money without having to do any work.. But from what I have seen punters end up paying money for what are often no more than just a list of past results, using rules specially made to get those results.

How is a horse racing system made? Well I'll tell you.
Continued next page

This edition of Punt to Win:
Horse racing betting systems
The Professional Punter's horse racing news
Get those betting odds
The Super Four Winning Tips horse racing betting system
Horse Watch betting system - future winners
Betting favourites in small fields: 13/10/2007 & 6/10/2007
Best odds for well bet winners - bookmaker or tote?
Plunge horses - betting tips from the track
Betting top weights - horses carrying a weight handicap of 59kg.
Future winners - unlucky horses
Punt to Win 6/10/2007
Punt to Win index

2006 Melbourne Cup Carnival Winners
Best Tote Odds


Get these prices? Or these prices!! Extra Profit $10 bet
Typhoon Zed 21.50 28.90 $74
Delta Blues 17.50 20.20 $27
Lyrical Bid 16.50 19.00 $25
Brom Felinity 13.30 15.70 $24
Dance Hero 12.60 14.90 $23
Southern Courage 16.20 18.30 $21


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  Disclaimer: This site covers various aspects of horseracing in Australia. We provide betting tips, online gambling strategy and links to many thoroughbred sites. OZmium Pty Ltd is not responsible for the content of the links and also accepts no liability for financial loss or misadventure caused by the information provided here. We strongly recommend you bet within your budget and only with money you are prepared to risk.