Punt to Win |
20/10/2007 edition Horse Racing Betting Systems Horse racing betting systems responsibly marketed can provide you with some good ideas to play around with, though purchase may be a rather expensive way of obtaining ideas in print that you could have possibly thought of yourself. But plenty of horse racing betting systems are not responsibly marketed. They claim outrageous profits on turnover which the marketers know are not sustainable. They claim outrageous profits on turnover which would make them worth tens of thousands of dollars if even half those profits on turnover were to continue. Does it seem right to you marketing a racing system for a couple of hundred dollars and at the same time claiming hundreds of per cent profit on turnover? Would would give away such a gold mine for a couple of hundred dollars? Some marketing methods are primarily aimed at people who know nothing about horse racing - novice punters, the lazy or the greedy. Years ago when I started to develop more than
a passing interest in horse racing I thought it must be possible to make
money betting on the animals. I also purchased a number of slickly marketed
horse racing betting systems at that time. At the time I assumed
there were laws that prevented people from making inaccurate claims, so I thought the racing systems would continue to win money after I purchased them. One thing that did arouse my curiosity was how these systems' past results always started sensationally with huge winners from day one. That never happened for me. Another thing that aroused my curiosity was how many
systems ended up being based upon just around 100 final selections from
several years' results at say a 25% winning strike rate. I purchased racing systems with blurb telling you that systems do win and that it's the users' fault when they don't - such as missing that winning bet because they are having a drink, or, and this is far more dangerous - such as stopping betting with the system when it has a few losing bets and so missing out on the system's future winners. That cost me money and taught me a few valuable lessons: This edition of Punt to Win: 2006 Melbourne Cup Carnival Winners
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Disclaimer: This site covers various aspects of horseracing in Australia. We provide betting tips, online gambling strategy and links to many thoroughbred sites. OZmium Pty Ltd is not responsible for the content of the links and also accepts no liability for financial loss or misadventure caused by the information provided here. We strongly recommend you bet within your budget and only with money you are prepared to risk. |