Punt to Win

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18/10/2002 edition

Class Weight Ratings

Are they the answer?

There's a very interesting debate in our popular horse racing forum in the Betting Systems section titled "Why do the majority of betting systems fail?" about class and weight ratings.

"darkydog" posted on October 14, 2002:

"becareful there has never been any legend of the turf to my knowledge who has attained that status on the back of a racing system. On the contrary, from Don Scott to Warren Block and others they have consistently warned against them. If you want to win over a long period of time then you must use class/weight ratings. All I a trying to do is put people on the right track."

"The Phoenix" replied on October 14, 2002:

" I suggest that a class/weight ratings approach is simply another (of many) systems. The goal is to be able to select horses on which one can obtain a higher price than their real chances of winning the race, ie make a profit. Whether the system is based on weight/class, particular form lines, particular breeding, a preference for one track rather than another is not the issue, only whether over a long period of time they do or do not make a profit.

On the other side of the ledger, the bookies want to do the opposite, offer horses at prices which are under their true chance of winning and therefore ensure that the punter makes a loss and they make a profit. Prior to the running of a race, the difference is simply opinion and the bookie is no more sure that their opinion is right than the punter is.

Some of the greatest winners at the track did not follow class/weight ratings at all. Their methods could better be desribed as a set of rules or axioms which they had determined, probably by trial and error and making losses, that gave them enough winning bets to make a profit. They are or were for their time perfectly valid systems albeit probably peculiar ones so anyone who claims that class/weight ratings are right and everything else is wrong in my opinion misses the main point which is MAKE A PROFIT.
Regards, The Phoenix."
Continued next page

This edition of Punt to Win:
Bel Esprit - huge Caulfield Guineas run
Watch these horses from Caulfield
Handicapping tips - weight and class
Discussion - weight and class handicapping
Money talks - Rosehill plunge horses
Money talks - Caulfield plunge horses
Money talks - Eagle Farm plunge horses
Money talks - Victoria Park plunge horses
Future winners - unlucky horses
Punt to Win 11/10/2002
Punt to Win index

Betting packages

Back Tote Longshots?


Get these prices? Or these prices!! Extra Profit $100 bet
On Focus 26.40 32.90 $650
Miss Marion 17.20 21.50 $430
Jamatre 11.90 17.30 $540
Miss Goldie Hawn 9.00 11.20 $220

You Need Top Odds

It is just about impossible to get a high enough strike rate backing short priced tote favourites and the poor value tote horses to make up for the big unders on the tote.

If you regularly get poor odds you must lose.

Short priced tote favourites
are losing bets.

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